Social Media Policy
Mesa Union PFO Social Media Policy and Guidelines (Adopted 2/4/2014)
The Mesa Union PFO recognizes the importance and benefits of communicating through social media. Social media is a powerful vehicle through which the Mesa Union PFO can share relevant news to the school community and connect with our families online.
Navigating the world of social media can be confusing with constant changes in platforms, technologies, and communities. However, existing legal responsibilities and Mesa Union School District (MUSD) policies remain in place when Associated Persons use social media.
We must keep at the forefront that social media has many benefits but when social media postings violate the law or District policies or create a substantial disruption to the school community and/or work environment, MUSD administrators may have an obligation to respond and take appropriate action.
Associated Persons includes, but is not limited to parents, parent-elected leaders of PFO, PFO representatives and PFO parent volunteers.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Mesa, its teachers/staff, its students, its affiliates, its alumni or its employees.
PRIVACY: Associated Person’s names, thoughts or pictures may be posted WITH their permission.
TRANSPARENCY: Be open and honest about the fact that you’re a PFO Associated Person in any post involving the school or PFO.
PROFESSIONALISM and RESPECT: If you identify yourself online as a school employee or Associated Person, ensure that your profile and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues, parents, and students. Conduct yourself online according to the same code of ethics and standards set forth in the MUSD Acceptable Use Policy. It is recommended that you post a disclaimer on your social media pages stating “The views on this page are personal and do not reflect the views of the Mesa Union School District.”
Keep it POSITIVE! PFO has a zero-tolerance for negative or promotional communication and maintains the rights to remove all inappropriate posts.
PHOTOS: Those wishing to be contributing editors with photos or articles need to be submitted for approval by PFO Social Media Coordinator to ensure photos are in compliance with MUSD Technology Privacy Policy. Any photos, articles, or postings not in compliance will be removed immediately.
Posting inappropriate threatening, harassing, racist, biased, derogatory, disparaging or bullying comments toward or about any student, employee, or associated person on any website is prohibited.
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