PFO Board Elections & Committee Nominations
Mesa Union School PFO is now accepting board officer nominations for the next 2023-2024 school year. Term is effective July 1, 2023. Elections are held at the May Annual Membership meeting.
Executive Board Officer Positions Available:
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
We would love for you to be a part of the PFO Board! If you’re interested in supporting our students and teachers, please feel free to nominate yourself, or somebody else who you think is willing and qualified to serve. If possible, put together a team and make a difference! All positions can be shared as “Co-”.
The Board also recruits and appoints chairpersons for: Budget & Allocations, Fundraising, Hospitality, Membership, Programs, Staff Appreciation, Nominating, and Auditing.
Email to submit your nominations. See rules regarding eligibility in our Bylaws & Standing Rules. Nominated persons must be PFO dues paying members. (One can become a member at any time.)
Nominations must be received by April 28, 2023 and will be voted on at the PFO Annual Meeting in May. Nominees will be contacted to ensure their interest and their membership status verified before their name is placed on the ballot.
Any questions? Contact any current PFO Board Officer or email above.
The following are the job descriptions for each position:
- Oversees and coordinates the work of an executive board to run the PFO
- Presides over meetings of the organization and executive board
- Serves as leader and key contact for the organization
- Serves as the ex-officio member of all committees
- Coordinates the work of the officers and committees
- Designated as authorized signer for PFO checks, contracts, and authorizations
- Assists the President
- Performs duties of the President in his or her absence or inability to serve
- Perform duties as assigned by the President and Executive Board
- Receives monies of the organization
- Keeps accurate records of disbursements, income, assets, and bank account information
- Pays out funds in accordance of approval of membership and Executive Board
- Prepares monthly and annual financial reports.
- Ensures state and federal taxes are filed annually and liability insurance is maintained
- Perform duties as assigned by the President and Executive Board
- Keep all records of the organization
- Take and record all minutes, handle correspondence, and post notices.
- Keeps official copies of minutes, bylaws, rules, and Voting Members list.
- Perform duties as assigned by the President and Executive Board
Mesa Union PFO is a nonprofit public 501c(3) charity. It runs like a nonprofit corporation with similar governance and reporting requirements. PFO operates on approximately a $80,000+ budget each year dependent on fundraising goals met.
PFO provides for the general welfare of the Mesa's students and families with educational enhancement and school connectedness programs such as field trips, teacher room funds, special projects/programs, athletics funding, family nights, Carnival, hospitality, etc.
Please note that if there is no Board elected, programs will be suspended. An interim Board may be empaneled to provide administrative oversight of business functions until a new Board is installed.
Chairs and Coordinators are approved and appointed by the PFO President/Board. It is the intent of the PFO Board to establish all chairs and coordinators in June of the prior school year.
Ideal team based on current operations below - currently less than 12 volunteers run PFO:
Upcoming Events

Click on the red "donate now" button on the homepage to support an individual student and/or to become a Business Sponsor and/or a Family Sponsor. Business and Family Sponsor's names will be added to the 2025 Mesa Challenge Shirt.