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PFO Membership Drive / Annual Fund Campaign

The simple act of joining the PFO provides instant financial support for our students and you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. It's also a great way to stay informed about what's happening at school, and connect in meaningful ways with other parents.

When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff!

Joining the Mesa PFO is also a great way for you to show support for your child and to ensure he/she receives the best education possible. You can attend the meetings, volunteer your time for Mesa PFO events and support the fundraising events to help educate your children. Your input is important to us.

Together we can do a lot of good. JOIN US! :)

Please consider joining our $1 a Day for 180 Days of School Campaign! It costs PFO an average of $180 per student to provide field trips and program enhancements for our Mesa Community!

We are providing our Legacy Brick program again this year. Be a part of a lasting legacy at Mesa Union School with a FOREVER Legacy Brick. Personalize your laser-engraved brick with a message of your choosing. 


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 PFO $20 Basic Level Membership
Includes 1 Basic Adult membership and access to a secure online directory!
 PFO $35 Cub Level Membership
Includes 1 Basic Adult Membership and access to a secure online directory! Thank you for your additional donation amount.
 PFO $50 Tiger Level Membership
Includes 2 Basic Adult Memberships and access to a secure online directory! Thank you for your additional donation amount.
 PFO $100 Bengal Tiger Level Membership
Includes 2 Basic Adult Membership and access to a secure online directory! Thank you for your additional donation amount.
 PFO $180 Sustaining Level Membership
Please consider this $1 a Day for 180 Days of School - Annual Fund Campaign. Includes 1 Free Carnival Wrist Band OR student/family name on the Mesa Challenge shirt. Thank you!
 Business Website Sponsor - Business
Business Sponsors will be recognized with logo/link placement on PFO website for the school year. Email logo and link to
 Mesa Union Spirit T-Shirt Sponsor
All Mesa students are provided a free Mesa Union PFO t-shirt for Mesa field trips and spirit days.
 Membership Donation of Your Choosing
Make a general donation of any amount to support Mesa Union School PFO.
 Legacy Brick 4" x 8" - $300
Be part of a lasting legacy at Mesa Union School with a FOREVER Legacy Brick. Purchase your brick during the 2023-2024 PFO Membership Drive & receive bonuses-Sustaining Membership status, a Carnival wristband and/or a student/family name on the MC shirt.

  Thank you for joining Mesa Union School PFO!