Please consider becoming a Business Sponsor and/or a Family Sponsor. $300 Business Sponsors will have their company logo on the back of the shirt and $50 Family Sponsors may list their student or family name on the shirt. Over 600 shirts will be distributed to students and staff.
You can also help sponsor the cost of providing a free shirt to each student or teacher. All students and staff will receive a free shirt for participating in The Mesa Challenge!
Final Deadline to submit forms and artwork is March 14, 2025. Email business logo (pdf) or any questions to info@mesapfo.org
Mesa Union PFO, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the general welfare of Mesa Union School. Field trips, athletics, teacher room funds, project grants and educational enhancement programs cannot continue without your generous support. All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for your continued support!